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You’re done talking to yourself like an asshole. 

You’ve been down this road before. Let’s not make IVF so fu*cking hard this time. 

You’re hyper aware that your heart is always on the chopping block. 

And the one thing you want more than anything, is the one thing that’s completely out of your control. You’re a type A overachiever and that’s served you well to get what you want. 

But do you ever just want to take a break from overthinking everything you’re putting in your mouth, medications, cycles, coordinating doctors visits and, ya know, actual freaking life?

No amount of worry will:

  • Get you pregnant faster.

  • Will control your IVF outcomes.

  • Prepare you for heartbreak or elation.

That’s where I come in.


I’m Emily Ginn, and I coach IVF Warriors who are tired of all the “this is so hard” messaging and are ready to take their infertility by the balls.

I give tools to women just like you so you can learn how to cut your overwhelm and anxiety in half—all while getting love and laughter back into your life.

With 15 years in social work and certification from The Life Coach School, I have taught so many women going through IVF how to heal shame, trauma and become more mindful during one of the most intense processes in their lives.

 Infertility doesn’t change how you react to things - it shines a SPOTLIGHT on it.

I can help.

Look - I know I’m not for everyone and this work is not for the faint of heart. But the women that choose to work with me learn the not-so-secret “secret” about talking to themselves like an asshole and they begin untangling that shit immediately. It all starts with booking your first call to see what coaching with me is all about.

Step 1

After our initial call where we determine we really like each other and you understand how I can help you cut your anxiety and overwhelm in HALF, we schedule 12 weeks of private coaching sessions tailored specifically to you.

Step 2

You learn to stop talking to yourself like an asshole and use your brain to create an anxiety and overwhelm blueprint. You have the exact plan to work WITH your brain instead of against it throughout the IVF process.

Step 3

After 12 weeks together, your anxiety and overwhelm are cut in half. You will no longer feel at the mercy of your feelings or anyone else’s misguided comments on your fertility. And there’s a damn good chance you’ve pissed yourself laughing at some point.

I want you to know that I’ve been through this too. Our infertility journey started in the Spring of 2012, of course at that time we didn’t realize that was our path. In the years that followed I experienced so much anger, resentment, pain, and suffering. There probably wasn't a person breathing that I wasn’t angry with for one reason or another. 

But mostly, I hated myself.

No amount of Netflix binges, Chick-Fil-A nuggets or Bill Hader standup comedy could make it alright. Not even my 15 years of social work experience could begin to touch the open wound I had around my fertility.

Getting coached was the only thing that brought me from the brink of losing control (ha!) to genuine love and compassion for myself and my body.

We’re not going to sugarcoat this shit sandwich of infertility, but you’re going to learn to want yourself as much as you want your baby. And I’m here with you every step of the way.

So pull up a chair, throw your hair in a messy bun and let’s get started.